
All-Weather Notebook

  • $1299
  • Save $200

  • Use this notebook for up to 40 games (40 pages).
  • Specially formulated paper that will not tear and is 100% waterproof as are the covers.
  • Use a pencil or the Power Tank pen to record your game in all conditions. If you use a pencil, you can re-use pages by simply erasing your notes off.
  • The front and back pages let you keep record of the owner, contact info, equipment checklist and handy reference for age groups.
  • Home and away teams are on separate pages and allow recording of goal scorers, cautions, send-offs and substitutions.

This notebook is deceptively small. At first glance, it may appear bulky and/or too large for a jersey pocket but it is built perfectly in size and weight. If you love the classy look of a notebook or referee often in wet conditions, this is a great tool in your arsenal.

Record your game with confidence and never get caught in the rain with no record of your game.

Notebook Dimensions
16cm x 12cm open
8.5cm wide x 12cm closed

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